Dr Organic Pomegranate Deodorant & Lip Balm
While I love my own DIY deodorant formulation, but I figured out that it might not be a good idea to load my body with too much essential oils since I use it on a daily basis. So when I saw this Dr Organic Pomegranate Deodorant in Jay Gee Health located at #B1-61 City Link Mall, I gave it a go. They also carry lavender, tea tree, manuka honey and aloe vera, but the store assistant recommended me the pomegranate one – that was the best of the lot according to her.
Liquid cream roll-on formulation
This is described as an organic pomegranate deodorant and the 50ml bottle cost me S$14.90. Okay, not cheap there but after using it for awhile, I’m quite happy to say, it works to a large extent. I’m always worried about using a new deodorant as I hate to be embarrassed so I was kind of feeling iffy about this one. It is a liquid cream roll-on and the thing that hit me immediately is the sweet pomegranate smell. Very lovely! And I thought to myself, gosh, is this one of those that uses the sweet smell to mask the armpit odor? But I stuck it out since the store assistant told me she uses this personally and it lasted her 8 hours each time.
More or less odor free for the entire day
And good thing it did not play me out, and kept me more or less odor free the entire day. It’s not 100% effective with more perspiration especially with our weather getting hotter, but at least, I don’t smell from a feet away. I would say, it’s good enough for me. If you have a mild case of armpit odor, this should work well. If yours is very strong, then this may just last you a couple of hours and you just have to reapply as needed.
Certified organic formulation
Dr Organic Pomegranate Deodorant is based on organic pomegranate and aloe vera, sunflower oil, icelandic and irish moss plus vitamin E. It doesn’t contains parabens nor aluminium and neither does it sting upon application. Since it is in liquid form, this deodorant leaves the skin wet immediately but dries up pretty quickly. If you want it to dry up quicker, use a hairdryer like I do sometimes!
Soothing and moisturizing lip balm
Besides deodorant, Dr Organic has other products under its slate too. I got myself the Dr Organic Organic Pomegranate Lip Balm. At 5.7ml for S$9.90, it seems larger than the usual and again, I love the sweet pomegranate smell. It’s very soothing and moisturising with its combined ingredients of organic pomegranate with shea butter, beeswax and vitamin E. It also comes with SPF 15 protection based on Octinoxate and Avobenzone. Okay, some people may not like that these are chemical sunscreen ingredients but at least, they don’t leave your lips looking white and ghostly.
If you like to find out about the Dr Organic range, check out their website. Jay Gee Health store carries a limited range of their products but I’m going to head back there sometime to get the skin lotion. Just love the pomegranate smell!
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I’d love to try it out after I finish my current Rexona. I’ve been wanting to avoid the aluminium since I know about its potential health risk. But I find just too troublesome to do a DIY one. So I am glad something like Dr. Organic has surfaced! I think the price is still okay, since deordorant really lasts very, very long. My previous Nivea one actually spoilt when I only used 3mm of it. LOL.
I used Nivea and it lasted quite long too. But I think it’s also cos it’s dry. This one is liquid so maybe used up quickly.
Now a good reason to ditch my Rexona to this scrumptious smelling deodorant! Love pomegranate smell. Bought a pomegranate lotion & shower gel long time ago & the smell still lingered.
Besides @ City Link, anywhere else I can buy these products?
Not sure…haven’t seen them anywhere else.
Hello , I’m a 17 years old female that has been struggling with body odor and sweaty armpits. My body odor was (REALLY) strong that I have to use male deodorant. However , I feel like the chemicals is too strong for my skin. I’m currently using the same deodorant as the one mentioned above and the results is quite good. Could you recommend more organic/natural deodorant that works for you?
This product is great: https://www.vivawoman.net/2013/09/real-purity-deodorant-holistic-formula/.